Standard possession orders

You can use the possession claim online service if you want to get your property back because your tenants owe you rent.

The service lets you fill in court forms online and see how the claim is progressing. It costs £391.

When you cannot use the online service

You will not be able to use the online service for some kinds of standard possession claim, for example where there’s been trespass on your property, or your tenants have broken the terms of the lease.

Fill in the paper standard possession claim form and post it to your local court that deals with housing possession.

It costs £391 to apply. Send a cheque made payable to ‘HM Courts and Tribunals Service’ to the court with your completed form.

If you made a possession claim before 3 August 2020

You’ll usually need to complete an N244 form to tell the court you want to continue with your claim.

You do not need to submit an N244 form if:

  • you submitted a reactivation notice to the court before 4pm on 30 April 2021
  • a judge has issued a possession order that says your tenants must leave the property

How to submit an N244 form

You’ll need to either:

  • post 3 copies of the form with your payment to the court
  • email the form to the court and give your phone number - the court will call you so that you can pay over the phone

It will cost £303 if you want the court to give your tenants notice of your application or £119 if not - for example, if the case is urgent.

If the judge for your case decides that you need to give notice and you have not, you’ll need to pay the extra £184.

You may be eligible for help with court fees.